Unorthodox and proud of it
The category of unconventional theories is labeled “maverick”, “fringe”, “frontier” and “exploration” in front of the word “science” to describe the work. (This community is featured on The Anomalist website – www.anomalist.com.) The conclusions they reach are at variance with what is taught as conventional science. Because these ideas are outside the mainstream consensus and…… Read more
Sour Grapes
“If you aren’t trying to get to the truth, you aren’t really inquiring” -S. Haack [1] A case of sour grapes We live in a world of science. Because of its high regard as a source of truth about the world, the concept of ‘science’ is often abused by scoundrels [2] and its appearance is…… Read more
Mythic Creatures in NYC
I visited the Mythic Creatures: Dragons, Unicorns and Mermaids exhibit on Saturday at the American Museum of Natural History in NYC. Here are my thoughts from it. I’ve been to this museum many times. It’s packed on a pleasant Saturday. If you go, I suggest you go early. Before I went to this section, I…… Read more
What might U Be?
Peruse this in the USA Today’s list of top 10 Haunted hikes. New Jersey Pinelands National Reserve/Wharton State Forest “Since 1735, hundreds have seen or heard a yellow-eyed creature with a bat’s wings, a dragon’s breath and a kangaroo’s tail that, according to legend, makes the Pine Barrens its home,” Lankford says. To improve your…… Read more
Deconstructing ‘scoftic’
To preface, I’m not against new words. I’ve shared my love of witty neologisms such as the portmanteau words “blobjects”, “blobsquatch”, “blurfos” and the like. In those cases, we can describe ‘something that is not accurately depicted’. And, something that can’t speak for itself. The buzz on Cryptomundo has developed over using the word “scoftic”,…… Read more
Fortean = anti-evolution? Shouldn’t be.
The topic of creationism nearly makes me retch. I hate arguing about it, I hate even acknowledging that the fight even exists because it shouldn’t. I must vent so indulge me. The debate between creationists and evolutionists rages on these days over at Cryptomundo in a post opened solely for the two teams to duke…… Read more
Book Review: Ghost Hunters
A review of a popular treatment of psyhics and ghost hunters. Read more
Whispers…Part 3 Anomalies and a new science
A wrapup of anomalous phenomena associated with earthquake precursors and an assessment of their predictive potential Read more
Book Review: Lake Monster Mysteries
How many good books about the world of lake monsters are out there? If you discount the plethora of Loch Ness books, not many. One with a skeptical tone was absolutely needed. Read more
Whispers…Part 2
Examining claims of earthquake weather and lights. Read more
Whispers from the Earth
I examine ideas about natural indicators for coming earthquakes. Do animals (and plants) react? Are there other clues from nature. Read more
Unexplained Blobjects
A selection of great words have evolved to describe unclear mystery objects. Let’s talk blobs, globs, and blurs. Read more