Pop Cryptid Spectator Issue 6
I’ve found a fun collection of news, media, and pop cryptid information for this issue, featuring dragons and Bigfoot. Read more
Pop Cryptid Spectator #5
In this edition: Bigfoot makes an appearance in a divorce case, The Times of London promotes growing belief in Bigfoot. E-DNA and the Enormous Eel Effect, Utah Yetis dream dissolves, Reality Shifting and Cryptids and the Goosepig. Read more
New paper fails to connect Summerville spook light to earthquakes
A new paper by a seismologist suggests a South Carolina spook light legend may be related to seismic activity, but the conclusions fall far short of convincing. Read more
Pop Cryptid Spectator #4
The 4th edition of the chronical of the changing appearance of and attitudes towards mystery animals in popular culture. Read more
A meteor falls in Pennsylvania, and lands in ice cream
A rock hit a car in a Walmart parking lot in Lehighton, PA in 2023, busting the window and landing in a half gallon of ice cream. A group of open-minded scientists agreed to take the case and identified the rock as a genuine meteorite. Read more
Arguing over the science of mystery animals
Was cryptozoology ever scientific? Discussion about cryptids reveals ideas about the public perception of science. Arguments continue about what cryptozoology was and should be. Read more
Pop Goes the Cryptid: Explained
Introduction to the world of Pop Cryptids, showing the evolution of cryptozoology from a scientific field to a popular culture scene where “cryptid” is any weird, sentient thing. Read more
Flat earthers go to Antarctica
What happened when a pastor from Colorado, Will Duffy, takes flat earthers to Antarctica in what is called “The FInal Experiment”? Read more
Idaho Mystery Boom Chasers
Wild ideas are circulating via social media regarding mystery booms reported in Idaho. Thanks to platforms like TikTok, doubtful ideas about skyquakes are raging online. Read more