What is Spooky Geology?
Weirdness at the intersection between geological science
and beliefs about the earth
Mysterious earth phenomena
Geologic anomalies
Weird ideas about rocks, minerals, and the planet
I’ve been writing about the intersection of geology and strange ideas since 2017 and called it “Spooky Geology”. In 2024, I consolidated SpookyGeology.com with this main website.
Introduction to Spooky Geology
Spooky Geology
UK survey respondents love earth mysteries
New poll results about paranormal belief in the UK show that "earth mysteries" are really popular across the pond. Many complications make it difficult to make sense out of poll numbers reflecting levels of paranormal
New paper fails to connect Summerville spook light to earthquakes
A new paper by a seismologist suggests a South Carolina spook light legend may be related to seismic activity, but the conclusions fall far short of convincing.
A meteor falls in Pennsylvania, and lands in ice cream
A rock hit a car in a Walmart parking lot in Lehighton, PA in 2023, busting the window and landing in a half gallon of ice cream. A group of open-minded scientists agreed to take
Flat earthers go to Antarctica
What happened when a pastor from Colorado, Will Duffy, takes flat earthers to Antarctica in what is called "The FInal Experiment"?
Idaho Mystery Boom Chasers
Wild ideas are circulating via social media regarding mystery booms reported in Idaho. Thanks to platforms like TikTok, doubtful ideas about skyquakes are raging online.
Earthquake Lights Revisited – More Evidence Emerging
Recent research, mostly from Japan and China, adds evidence to support the idea that earthquake lights are a result of electrical interactions between the lithosphere and the atmosphere.
Purple heart amethyst geode
Geodes are cool natural clusters of crystals inside rock bodies. One example of an amethyst geode from Uruguay formed in a heart shape.
Triangle Trope of Vermont: Bennington
The Bennington Triangle in Vermont has a foundational narrative of real life murders, disappearances, and an abandoned village. A corpus of exaggerated tales grew from it.
The Triangle Trope
The list of paranormal "Triangles" continues to grow. While the stories of mysterious activity, supernatural portals, and strange phenomena lack solid evidence and rely on pattern-seeking, they continue to gain popularity. The "Triangle" trope is
Fantasy metals – not all Bolognium
Exploring fantasy metals in media highlights their ubiquitous role as story elements with qualities such as rarity, strength, and magical powers. Used in education, they exemplify impossible chemistries to contrast with real-world elements. Unobtainium, Adamantium,
Uh oh, earthquakes add to these Strange Times
The earthquakes in New Jersey were unexpected and frightening. The events added to the general nervousness from the population prone to catastrophe thinking.
Moodus: The Place of Bad Noises
Machimoodus is historically well-known as the literal “place of bad noises” based on native legends that were subsequently both promoted and twisted by colonists in New England. Today, the Moodus noises of East Haddam, Connecticut
The Curse of the Souvenir Rock
Popular lore warns that if you take a rock or object from a sacred land, a curse will fall upon you until you return the object. Find out the origin and purpose of the curse
When every flash is an earthquake light, we have lost the plot
Media outlets label electrical flashes during earthquakes as "earthquake lights".
Rapid deep freeze can lead to frost quakes
Frost quakes can occur when water saturated ground undergoes rapid deep freezing. The energy release causes noise and shaking.
Blowholes and a dragon’s nose
Blowholes are natural features created by air pressure. A popular video said to be a "dragon's nose" is likely a blowhole.
Tiny earthquake rattles hundreds of New Yorkers
A small quake was a big surprise and caused concerns for some city residents and first responders.
Wrath of Pele
The legend of Pele is relatively well known even outside of Hawaii. Her wrath, tears, hair, curses and legends are explored here.
Islands of the Dead are eroding
Coastal erosion reveals human remains on spooky islands that served as mass graves long ago. The natural disinterment is happening in New York City and in the UK.
Media hypes questionable “mysterious” earthquake lights
The earthquake in Morocco generated exaggerated claims and subsequent news coverage of "earthquake lights" as well as faked videos and conspiracy ideas.
Earthquake lights (pseudoEQLs) video from India
Social media accounts shared video of "earthquake lights" that appeared near Delhi, India after the Hindu Kush quake on 21-March. But the lights were not what was described in the media. They were, instead, reflection
Anomalous claims from Turkey-Syria earthquake 2023
Many images and videos came out of the affected area in southern and central Turkey and western Syria from the February 6, 2023 series of quakes. Included were MANY inaccuracies, misattributed content, conspiracies, and pseudoscientific
Viral videos of electric rocks
January 22, 2023 was the height of a wave of social media posts about what people claimed were "electric rocks" found in the DR of Congo. A video showed a close up of someone touching
Yummy Rocks
Fun images showing rock and mineral specimens that resemble yummy food, good enough to eat. Check out this forbidden food smorgasbord!
Paranormal Vortex Areas
It’s a common claim by paranormalists that there are special places on earth where “energy” whirls are responsible for strange phenomena reported at those locations. They are called paranormal or energy “vortex” areas. The crystallization
Devils Hole
Many sites have been given the creepy name of "Devils Hole". The most famous Hole is in Death Valley, Nevada where a notch in the rock reveals an oasis of ancient groundwater in the otherwise
Spooky events from the New Madrid earthquakes
A series of giant earthquakes within the continental interior is strange in itself, but other notable phenomena associated with the New Madrid, Missouri quakes of 1811-2 made the events preternaturally awful. In this piece, I
Sodom and Gomorrah – A geomythological parable
The Bible contains several stories that people have attempted to connect to geological events such as earthquakes or floods. The Biblical context treats these events as supernatural works of God, which puts them in the
Japan’s “killing stone” splits
The infamous Sessho-seki, a protected boulder in the volcanic area of Mount Nesu in Japan, has split. The break occurred around March 5, 2022. A legend says the stone was the prison of the evil
Booming sounds attributed to karst
Some residents of Silver Spring Township in southcentral PA began to experience booming noises days after heavy rain deluged the area in September 2021. Township officials consulted geological experts who concluded that the sounds originated
Mystery booms and skyquakes
The world is a noisy place. But some sounds shake you to your foundation. Mystery booms that come out of nowhere and have indiscernible sources scare people and leave them wondering, "What just happened?" Every
Peabody’s booming earthquake swarm
Residents of Peabody have been experiencing booming sounds that rattle their houses and nerves. A public meeting was held to explain to residents that 3 earthquakes were recorded (below magnitude 2) in the area and
Gates to Hell and Hellmouths
In the past and even today, some believe that you can get to Hell via a portal or entrance from earth. There are countless tales of trips to the underworld made by mythical persons. There
Fireball “mud volcano” in Caspian Sea
On July 4, news started circulating about a huge explosion in the Caspian Sea in Azerbaijan captured on video. The first information was relayed by the state oil company, SOCAR, to the Russian news agency
Oracle of Delphi: Snake Death Gas or God’s Breath
The colorful and dramatic accounts of the Oracle of Delphi in Greece spanning many centuries appear to be strongly related to the geological setting and seismic activity of the locale. The cultural and geologic history
Demon or dino print on the Appalachian Trail
A weird impression in a rock along the Appalachian Trail appears to look like a demon or a dinosaur footprint. What is it, really?
Healing waters of Waukesha turned sour
The springs of Waukesha, WI were first advertised as "healing" but eventually the fabled waters dried up and the groundwater turned out to be radioactive.
The fabled Blue Hole of the Pine Barrens
The fabled blue hole of the New Jersey Pine Barrens is rumored to be bottomless and the home of demons or monsters who will pull swimmers under.
Cookie monster agate
A geode infilled with milky blue quartz/agate bears an uncanny resemblance to Sesame Street's infamous Cookie Monster.
Fillmore underground fire
A thermal anomaly in Fillmore, California emits gases and heat that can burn the vegetation. A form of spontaneous combustion, the underground fire is difficult to extinguish.
Hexenplatten – the witches’ stone
The pitted surface of this outcrop in Switzerland was a mystery. Local people called it the "witches' stone" or Hexenplatten because they imagined it was formed from the witches dancing.
Legends and science of bottomless holes
There are countless holes in the ground. Some have water. Some are just open void and darkness. When we can’t readily discern the depth, the hole begets additional legendary characteristics, including that of being bottomless.
Ringing rocks and sonorous stones
Ringing rocks, rocks that make a bell-like sound when hit with a hammer, are rare but occur across the world. They are seen as magical, mysterious, and scientifically curious.
The “Hellmouth” Batagaika crater
A megaslump is affecting the villagers of Batagay in Yakutia, Siberia. Local legend is that it's a mouth to hell. The area of land continues to slump and sink, changing the landscape and creating a
Pic de Bugarach: The mysterious mountain
Pic de Bugarach in Aude, France, is a place that effortlessly combines natural wonder and legends. Add to its history a heaping portion of serious scientific misunderstandings, flavor with rumors and imaginative speculation, then bake
Trapped in Quicksand
Quicksand was a deadly peril in unknown lands, according to pop culture in the late 1900s. But quicksand is a real thing and its creation (and your ability to escape from it) is a lesson
Discovery of weird water pool in Lechuguilla cave
The photo of a mint-green, pristine pool in Lechuguilla cave circulating on social media resulted in expressions of speculation, wonder, and a desire to visit. For many reasons, the cave area must remain off-limits and
Eye agate: The rock that looks back at you
Eye agate is formed from water-deposited mineral inside rock voids. The result can be the creation of a very spooky specimen that attains legendary properties.
Faces in Places: Mimetoliths
Rock formations that look like faces are called "mimetoliths". Faces in rock can accrue great cultural significance as land marks. Societies place spiritual meaning into features that appear meaningful because they resemble a human form.
Gravity Roads, Magnetic Hills, and Mystery Spots
Mystery spots, magnetic hills, or gravity hills are local places named for their unusual characteristic of making the observer confused or unbalanced. Exploited as tourist spots, they have been explained as mysteries of nature. But
Pole Holes and the Hollow Earth
A sci-fi trope, some people actually believed that there is substantial space inside the earth’s sphere where curious things occur. The history of the hollow earth idea is complex and far more serious than you
Devil’s Corkscrews
In the late 19th century, settlers came across bizarre, giant “stone screws” vertically embedded in the ground. Flummoxed as to what could cause such structures, the locals named them the “devil’s corkscrews”. Paleontologists would argue
Moving rocks of the Racetrack Playa
For a long while, there was a popular mystery surrounding how moderately-sized rocks moved on their own across a dead flat surface in Death Valley leaving a trail behind them. That mystery is solved.
Devil’s Punchbowl
All around the world are remnants of a party of epic proportions - Devil's punchbowls. Or maybe the punch was more literal. Let's explore the interesting geology of these legendary cauldrons.
Devil’s Gate
Several sinister and infamous places around the world have been named the Devil's Gate and come with legends of murder, magic, and monsters. Let's take a brief tour.
Devil’s Kitchen
Something evil may be cooking up in places given the name of the “Devil’s Kitchen”. In this piece, I examine some of the most famous locations that have earned this unpleasant name. It sounds like
Devil’s Den
Devil's Den is an infamous collection of large diabase boulders within the Gettysburg National Battlefield. The location has accrued spooky legends. But the truth about this diabolical place, and others with the same name, is
Devil Places
There are countless places in the world named after the Devil. Devil-named places sometimes owe their moniker to the geology. The features of these places may create a spooky and foreboding feeling that reinforces the
Trapped in flooded caves
From June into July of 2018, media coverage about 12 boys and an adult man trapped in a cave in Thailand transfixed people around the world. How did they get trapped and not be able
Earthquake Lights
The evidence for earthquake lights (EQLs) consists overwhelmingly of anecdotal accounts. But scientific evidence has been accumulating, and in the past 10 years a plausible theory to explain the host of unusual precursors has been
Sinkholes – Are you at risk?
There is something highly unnerving about the thought that the ground can give way into a gaping void that can swallow trees, cars, structures, and even people. How frightened should you be of sinkholes? While
Sometimes, an alien artifact is just a rock
Paranormal investigators often lament the lack of scientific interest in anomalous or paranormal claims. Many have stated they want to contribute to a shift in thinking about these anomalies, to "prove to science" (or scientists)
Anti-globular convictions: Flat Earth belief explodes in popularity
The flat earth idea vies for the most alternative geological idea out there. But the spookiest part may be the suggestion that the church, scientists, the government, the media, and private businesses are all conspiring
Strange lights and levitating rocks at Arkansas crystal mine
Examining the claims from the owners of a crystal mine tourist site in Arkansas who say that strange anomalies, including balls of light and levitation, occur on the site.
Devils Tower: UFO Bulls-eye
Devils Tower, a landmark of the Black Hills, isn't just another chunk of volcanic rock. It is a native sacred place, an icon of cinema and UFO lore, and focus of other ridiculous alt-geo ideas.
Misbehaving lakes: Three water bodies that exhale death gas
In August 1986, approximately 1800 people living in a 15-mile radius of Lake Nyos in Cameroon didn’t live to see the morning, dying by suffocation from toxic gas exhaled from the bottom of the lake.
The hammer entombed in rock
The London Hammer is an artifact beloved by Creationists because it appears to be a recent object embedded in old rock. While anomalous, it has a normal explanation.
Haunted rocks: The Stone Tape theory
The “stone tape theory” is frequently used as a sciencey-sounding explanation to explain residual hauntings - appearances of images, sounds, and apparitions that do not interact directly with people. The premise is that the rock
Psychometry in geology
Psychometry - the ability to measure the "soul" - was used in the mid-19th century to "read" the history of rocks. One geologists believed it could revolutionize the field as certain sensitive people could receive
Darvaza: Gate to Hell
The Darvaza crater in Turkmenistan is a pit formed after a mistake by exploratory drillers. Fueled by natural gas, it's been impossible to extinguish and has been called a "gate to hell". More appropriately, it's
Dowsing: Witching for water
Dowsing (water divining or water witching) doesn’t work any better than chance or through use of surface clues. So why does it still spark heated arguments and create once-skeptical converts even today? Does it still
Fairy Stones (natural crosses)
A common twinning habit of the mineral staurolite results in cross-like crystal formations and guarantees it will be perceived as magical. It's common in Fairy Stone State Park in Virginia.
Leylines: From the old straight track to Ghostbusters
Interest in leylines or leys as paranormal energy pathways has surged in recent times as ghost hunters use the idea of spooky straight tracks to explain hauntings.
Amazing fossils: Death scenes – geologically preserved
Earth processes can preserve exquisite detail and even a dramatic story of animals' life and death. Several examples of incredible preserved or fossilized remains have been found.
Cracked, baby, cracked: The earth is splitting up with us humans
Ground cracks and long fissures in dry areas can indicate an over-extraction of groundwater. Some view these features as a sign of End Times or earthquakes. At least, it's the end of easy to access
A Trip to Hell: Mysterious tunnel system and underground river at Baiae, Italy
The ancient village of Baiae in Italy has secrets. A recent discovery suggests that an underground tunnel system may have served as a Oracle of the Dead and simulated a trip to Hell (Hades), including
Whispers…Part 3 Anomalies and a new science
A wrapup of anomalous phenomena associated with earthquake precursors and an assessment of their predictive potential
Whispers…Part 2
Examining claims of earthquake weather and lights.
Whispers from the Earth
I examine ideas about natural indicators for coming earthquakes. Do animals (and plants) react? Are there other clues from nature.