Tales of spooky encounters with “Not-deer” appeared decades ago but have evolved to fit modern cryptid ideas.
Tag: cryptid
A tour of popular mystery monsters
A mishmash of monster mentions. A quick book review, a link to info on the latest Bigfoot hoax and dogman programming, and an upcoming must-have volume for pop cryptid fans.
The many degrees of freedom of the griffin
The popular origin of the griffin as inspired by Protoceratops dinosaur fossils is questioned. Can we ever really know for sure if there is a connection?
Location and imagination equals ‘cryptid’
Cryptids have increasingly become associated with location and entertainment and less connected to the failed scientific endeavor of cryptozoology. Long live the cryptids!
Suspicious photos of alleged thylacine revealed by pop wildlife biologist
New photos claim to show a thylacine in Tasmania. Distributed by a popular television personality who popularizes mysterious animal sightings, the photos and the backstory appear bogus.
What’s with these latest opinion polls on ghosts and cryptids?
Two sets of survey results asking about the reality of questionable entities show high rates of belief in ghosts, Bigfoot, and other cryptids.
Blowholes and a dragon’s nose
Blowholes are natural features created by air pressure. A popular video said to be a “dragon’s nose” is likely a blowhole.
The coelacanth as a red herring
This post is updated from its original publication in 2009.– SH In researching three areas of what I concluded were mostly “scientifical” fields of inquiry for my book – cryptozoology, […]
The Science of Nessie: Then and now
From 1977 to the present, what has changed in the everlasting search for the Loch Ness Monster? That flipper photo was supposed to change the game. What happened?
Chronicle of the Lizard Man (Book Review)
I really enjoyed Lyle Blackburn’s previous book, The Legend of Boggy Creek (reviewed here), so I had to get my hands on his next one about the Lizard Man of […]