Cleaning up and consolidating

By | November 30, 2023

Regular followers of my writing may know that I have had several websites and projects going. But it’s time to consolidate. I’ll be pulling everything into this blog space, on my own domain name. That means I’ll eventually pull in Spooky Geology to its own page on this site. It’s taking a bit to migrate and clean up those posts, but I’m working through it and should finish by the end of the year. I’ll do a big relaunch with virtual champagne for everyone.

Also, it looks like I will be halting the newsletter publication on Substack. I don’t pay Substack and neither do you for my musings. But Substack does get money from some subscriptions to questionable content providers. I’ve known about this for a little while; it’s not getting better. Additionally, I’m not finding quality “weird news” content for a weekly newsletter. And, my personal time is a bit short these days. So Sharon’s Strange Times is going on hiatus (or some posts might appear here instead). Who knows? Maybe a new Fediverse option will appear. I might even migrate my videos from YouTube to PeerTube because the former is turning ugly as well.

So please stick with me on this site where I’ll continue to whip up stuff as the mood strikes. I really appreciate all the support. You can subscribe to the site to receive notice of new posts. But I would REALLY REALLY love it if you followed me on Mastodon. It’s easy: Just go here and create an account.

3 thoughts on “Cleaning up and consolidating

  1. Angela T Sangster

    “if you lead…I will follow…..anywhere….that you tell me to…” Okay, that might be over the top, and sorry for the earworm, but I believe the message is clear–wherever you are publishing, I am reading.


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