Dr. Robert T. Carroll created the Skeptic’s Dictionary – a source I have used for, oh gosh, over 10 years now. I was upset to hear of Bob’s serious illness. I consider Skepdic.com to be a PRIMARY go to source for skeptical reference. With nearly 800 entries, I have, by default, linked to his site for topics I reference in my blog posts.  Bob has just released his last newsletter to the email list of subscribers. John Renish has been assisting since his diagnosis in May 2014 with stage IV pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer.

This is the 185th and final issue of The Skeptic’s Dictionary Newsletter. Fourteen years ago, 258 people signed up. I wonder how many of the 3,909 currently subscribed have been with us from the beginning. Anyway, I don’t have the energy to put out a monthly newsletter anymore.


I was lucky to meet Bob at The Amaz!ng Meeting one year. I am so grateful for all the tremendous work he has done. I don’t know what will happen to The Skeptic’s Dictionary site but I sure hope it will continue and at least remain as an invaluable resource.

Thank you, Bob. Please know that many of us have learned from you and will continue to promote critical thinking to the best of our abilities.

Addition: Check out Bob’s updated Wikipedia page.

7 thoughts on “End of an era: the last Skeptic’s Dictionary newsletter

  1. Terrible news…
    I am one of the subscribers
    I bought and read all of his books. I am devastated

  2. I’d just like to pass on our very best wishes and respect for all his work over the years, and raise a glass in a toast to Dr Carroll to thank him for contributing so much.


  3. Became a life changing resource for me during some tumultuous personal growth. I’ve relied upon the Skeptic’s Dictionary for 13 years. Thank you Dr, Carroll!!

  4. Thanks IDOUBTIT, i’m sad to hear of this news, too.
    The Skeptics Dictionary was my first foray into on-line skeptical sites. There was a time when that site had a ‘skeptical links’ section, which was where I found ‘Doubtful News’ and therefore this site. I found upon this same list Skeptophilia, The Bronze Blog, Bad Psychics, Bad UFOs, Atheist Oasis, Cryptomundo, Spirituality is no Excuse, Mikes Weekly Skeptical Rant, The Truth is Wrong, The Adorable Atheist, Great Ape Thoughts and many, many other wonderful sites and blogs to please my hunger for skeptical literature.
    Other sites have come and gone before, as i’ve commented in the past, some were magical online times which I am glad I was present for.
    The big wheel keeps turning and I keep learning. You have played a part in my skeptical education, thank you.

    All the best,

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