Listen: In Research Of… San Andreas

By | July 12, 2024

Please give a listen to one of my (very few) favorite podcasts, where I join Jeb and Blake to go In Research Of… of the science and depictions of earthquake information in the 1979 episode of In Search Of… San Andreas with Leonard Nimoy. A bonus is a parade of musings on the disaster movies related to earthquakes in California.

As part of this episode, we remark on how terms related to the geology sound oh-so-very dirty. I had never even considered this before, but, yeah…

Also, so many puns – not my fault.

I’ve appeared on IRO before, including an earlier episode on Earthquakes, but also:

Do you remember this episode? Watch it here on YouTube.

It wasn’t the typical paranormal content we usually think of when we remember ISO. Many episodes were straight science that was in the news at the time.

Courtesy of Blake, here’s a special ‘gif’T from the Universal movie Earthquake! (1974). This was the big year for disaster films, we suspect they ran out of money by the time they had to fix this scene.

More on Earthquakes and related phenomena.

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