Psychometry – the ability to measure the “soul” – was used in the mid-19th century to “read” the history of rocks. One geologists believed it could revolutionize the field as certain sensitive people could receive psychic impressions from objects.
Tag: geology
Spooky Geology
What is spooky geology about and what content falls into this category? Here is the introduction to this site.
Warnings of impending danger: Science and Social Factors
Natural disasters happen every day. The people who can help prepare society for them are not psychics or crank pseudoscientists but those who study events inside out and upside down […]
Young Earth Creationists’ sneaky strategy to be scientifical
Earth magazine has an intriguing and disturbing article by Steven Newton describing how geologists, who actually represent the Institute for Creation Research, the Discovery Institute and Christian universities, subtly promote […]