Tag Archives: paranormal television

Lost Monster Files produces some abominable research

By | October 18, 2024

The second episode of Lost Monster Files on Discovery channel is a confusing mash-up of old and mis-information about “abominable snowmen” in British Columbia.

The Mysterious Monster Mash of the Mid 1970s: Bigfoot hits prime time TV

By | July 5, 2019

Bigfoots and their other monstrous cohorts were presented to U.S. audience in a serious television documentary for the first time in 1974. The outing was so successful that it still is notable today. This documentary, its remixes, and a few other pieces of media gold from that decade paved the way for ideas of Bigfoot/Sasquatch… Read More »

Can you make a good paranormal-themed TV show?

By | September 7, 2018

A recent discussion with a person who pitches ideas for TV shows got me thinking about what a solid, informative, program about the paranormal would look like. The bottom line… it would be really difficult and producers are likely not willing to take a risk on it. The slew of paranormal-themed “reality” television shows is… Read More »

A modern encyclopedia of popular ghostlore (Book Review)

By | April 24, 2018

“Ghosts in Popular Culture and Legend” is an exhaustive, cross-referenced encyclopedia chronologically exploring ghost depictions from ancient times to modern pop culture. Besides films, TV, literature, and games, emphasis is also laid on representations of women as ghosts, writers, and mediums.

The manufactured, badly-behaved Ouija demon: Zozo (Book Review)

By | July 2, 2017

In the classic book Psychology of Superstition, Gustav Jahoda writes that beliefs are not just in our heads, they affect our behavior, and that self-fulfilling prophecy is not uncommon in human affairs (p. 8). Many events seem trivial and unspectacular, but when placed into a paranormal context, they take on a new and enhanced meaning.… Read More »