Tag Archives: strange sounds in the sky
The Mystery of the Sky Noises
The world is a noisy place these days. Strange sounds abound. The paranormal/Fortean media outlets were abuzz about the strange sounds from the sky starting in the summer of 2011. These “sky noises” are anomalous sounds that appear to be emanating from above, and do not sound like your everyday planes, trains or automobiles (so people say).… Read More »
Scientist states he has explanation(s) for sky noise but it only sounds sciencey
I’ve been closely following the story of strange noises from the sky that flared up in January. I wrote about them on Doubtful News (now defunct). The noises are widespread, varied in type, sometimes able to be explained and sometimes known to be hoaxed. But, because this spate of anomalies (a Fortean Flap, if you will)… Read More »