Tag Archives: volcanism

Gates to Hell and Hellmouths

By | August 22, 2021

In the past and even today, some believe that you can get to Hell via a portal or entrance from earth. There are countless tales of trips to the underworld made by mythical persons. There continue to be legends about gates to hell around the world that we might access today. Join me for a tour of Hell mouths.

Misbehaving lakes: Three water bodies that exhale death gas

By | June 12, 2017

In August 1986, approximately 1800 people living in a 15-mile radius of Lake Nyos in Cameroon didn’t live to see the morning, dying by suffocation from toxic gas exhaled from the bottom of the lake.

A Trip to Hell: Mysterious tunnel system and underground river at Baiae, Italy

By | January 29, 2017

The ancient village of Baiae in Italy has secrets. A recent discovery suggests that an underground tunnel system may have served as a Oracle of the Dead and simulated a trip to Hell (Hades), including crossing an underground “river”.