Updating this website for 2024

By | December 29, 2023

Hi everyone. Here’s a quick update on how I’m messing about with the web stuff (as I tend to do) and probably getting into some trouble.

If you are getting this in your email box, it’s because you subscribed to my blog in one of two forms in the past 10 years. I’ve just consolidated the subscribers list, so I felt I needed to reach out and give you an update on what’s going on.

First, if you are getting more than one version of this at a different email, feel free to unsubscribe using the instructions at the bottom of the message. I checked the combined list (from idoubtit.wordpress.com and sharonahill.com) for obvious duplicates but I cannot see specific data to determine if you are the same person at different addresses. If you haven’t subscribed and are reading this from visiting or just RSS, please consider adding yourself to the subscribe list (top right or popup) and thanks!

Second, I am in the process of reposting my articles from Spooky Geology here over the next several days. There is no way I can turn off the email notices of new posts, so you will be getting emails for these posts. Please bear with me while I roll out this transition. My apologies if this causes any inconvenience.

Thanks so much for being a subscriber and following my work across platforms. I hope I don’t have to jump around anymore. I’ll be keeping things at this named website, and consolidating stuff that may be posted on other sites (like Substack, which I’m no longer using).

For daily interactions, I’d love for you to join me on Mastodon. I live at Mstdn.social server. You can see my latest posts in a feed on the page “Social Posts” you can also access from the top menu.

I’d love to hear from you. To get in touch, please email me at my personal email if you have it or via sharon@sharonahill.com

Here’s hoping for a happy 2024!

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